1. Fees is payable in advance. Fees and other charges once paid by the candidate are not refundable in full or in part on any account whatsoever.
2. All fees have to be paid within the stipulated period, failing which fines shall have to be paid, On very long delayed payment admission can be cancelled.
3. The discipline of institute is to be strictly observed. For break of discipline a student may be fined or expelled from the institute. No refund of the fee will be allowed.
4. Any harsh or insulting language used in the office or written in the letter may affect the continuity of training.
5. If a student fails to take examination for one reason or other, the institute will not entertain any claim for the refund of the fee.
6. In all matters the decision of the Principal will be final.
7. Any dispute arising out of the transaction will be subject to Mukerian Jurisdiction only.
8. Students are not permitted to process such books which excite basic instinct.
9. Institute will not be responsible for delay or postponement of the examination by P.N.R.C.
10. The Principal / Director reserve the right to change the Time Table any time.
11. Leave application is to be got recommended through the class incharge.
12. Application should be signed by the Parents/Guardian.
13. Institute does not have any kind of responsibility of any student while going to Hospital ,Community Experience or while going and coming back from home.
14. A student whose progress and conduct is considered unsatisfactory, her name may be struck off at any time after giving due notice to the student and her parents.
15. Student will not be allowed to entertain their Parents/Guardians/Relatives/Friends during school and practical hours.
16. The management is empowered to increase/charge the fee and funds at ay time during start of the session.
17. A student and her parents must thoroughly study her eligibility for admission to the course.
For any act of omission or commission in the premises of Hospital or School of Nursing or Hostel against the interest of the institution or moral ethics in above said areas during the course of training will lead to straight away expulsion without any prior notice.
1. Any Item/Question not covered by the above rules shall be decided by the Management whose decision will be final in every respect.
2. Mukerian Courts alone have jurisdiction in all legal matters.